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3 secrets About Purpose-Driven Investments

Picture a future where every one of your investments isn’t just a number on a screen but a reflection of your life’s purpose, thriving beyond your wildest expectations. Imagine feeling that deep sense of fulfillment, knowing that your choices are leaving a positive mark on the world.

Sounds like a wonderful dream, doesn’t it? But here’s the big question: How do you turn that dream into reality? How can you actually make this beautiful vision of alignment, fulfillment, and growth come true?

In the article, I will reveal three powerful secrets that can help turn this dream into reality. You will walk away with specific steps you can take to move forward.

3 Secrets About Purpose-Driven Investments

  1. Your investments hold a clue to your purpose in life.
  2. Your purpose has the power to make your investments flourish.
  3. As your purpose and investments entwine, they’ll weave a beautiful transformation within you.

1. Your investments hold a clue to your purpose in life.

Throughout my journey, I’ve collaborated with many seasoned leaders like you. and most of them didn’t kick off with a crystal-clear purpose. Also, most didn’t realize they were investors from the get-go.

But here’s the truth: We all fall under the investor category.

Why, you ask?

Because every decision you make involves investing your precious time and hard-earned money. And if you’re a top-tier leader, your investments take on a grander scale, and your time becomes more priceless than ever.

Let’s unravel the investment trail you’ve been blazing!


Grab a sheet of 8.5″ x 11″ paper.

On one side, write the title, “TIME INVESTMENTS,” at the top of the page.

On the flip side, write the title, “FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS,” at the top of the page.

Under TIME INVESTMENTS, jot down all the hours you pour into different parts of your life, such as well-being, work, family, hobbies, fun, learning, and whatever else makes up your days.

Get specific because purpose hides in the nitty-gritty details.

Under FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS, list out your money investments—no need to list every stock, but note down the kinds of investment categories you’ve ventured into. Other investments may include things like education, property, travel, etc.

Now that time and money are laid out in front of you, take a good look. Put on your detective hat and ask yourself, “If someone else made these investments, what could I deduce about them? What matters most to them? What might their purpose be?” It is often easier to assess when you think about it being someone else first. Top of Form

Bottom of Form

You can also try this exercise with your partner or a close friend who may see some hidden truths you are unable to see.

Tweaking your investments

Based on my experience with leaders just like you, there’s a good chance you discovered something surprising about where you invest your time and money. You may notice that they are not be as great or as in line with your true desires as you thought. This is great information and an opportunity to realign your priorities.

Go one by one down the list and ask yourself a simple but powerful question, “Is this still important to me?”

If it doesn’t expand your heart, it may be time to let it go.

It’s all about aligning your time and money investments with what truly matters to you, and that changes, so this is a journey of constant reflection and adjustment.

2. Your purpose can fuel your investments.

Imagine that your investments are like a blazing fire. Think about it: fire needs wood and air to keep it alive. The wood gives it the fuel it needs while the air breathes life into its flames.

Your purpose is the air here. When you are “on fire” with your purpose, your investments will be too. As an investor, if the leadership team of the businesses you are investing in does not glow the purpose, consider that your investment, no matter how much money you pour into it, might run out of air.

Now, let’s talk business. If you’re an entrepreneur, your business is like your star investment. But just pumping it with resources isn’t the whole deal. The true magic happens when you keep stoking it with the blazing passion of your purpose.

Take it from me, who has been a serial entrepreneur for my entire life, keeping that purpose flame burning can be a challenge. When you start out, you’re all pumped up, sharing your grand plans with everyone. Your enthusiasm draws clients and supporters like a magnet. But as your business grows, things change. You’re juggling tasks and adapting to the ever-changing business landscape, and let’s not forget those endless responsibilities. It can take a toll on you mentally and affect your performance.

Imagine this: You started as the confident captain on the ship, welcoming all aboard. But soon, you find yourself in the engine room, fixing problems left and right. And every now and then, when you resurface on deck, you’re not exactly feeling your best. You’re worn out and can’t wait to dive back into the engine room to tackle the next set of issues. Ring a bell?

Let me share a tale that opened my eyes. There’s this auto mechanic shop owner who’s stopped working on cars. Instead, he chauffeurs his customers around—drops them home when they leave their cars for repairs and picks them up when it’s done. Curious, I asked him why. After all, he could hire a driver for that, right? His response was interesting. After 20 years, he was tired of the shop grind and lost his passion. He wanted to be out there, on deck, building relationships with his customers. So, guess what was his newly emerged purpose, fixing cars or building meaningful relationships?

The secret? Keep that fire burning bright by staying connected to your purpose. And here’s the thing—don’t be afraid to switch things up. Change your stance, change your actions, change how you approach things—keep evolving. Your purpose, just like you, won’t stay the same forever.

It’s like a moving target, and it’s on you to keep up and align with it, no matter how much it shifts. Embrace change, adopt new ways, and let yourself grow alongside your purpose. That’s the path to keeping that fire roaring.

Here is a part of my journey that might resonate with you, my fellow investors and entrepreneurs. For quite a few years, I joined forces with independent financial advisors, working with them as a coach and consultant to give their businesses a boost. Through this experience, I found myself in countless meetings alongside their clients. These clients all shared a common thread—they sought assistance with their investment portfolios and aimed to make the most of their investments.

But here’s where it gets interesting. I had a lightbulb moment, a thought that could change the game. What if we aligned their investments with their life purposes? You see, most of these clients hadn’t quite figured out their life purpose yet. But with a simple process, I managed to tap into what truly mattered to them, their visions for the world, and the kind of companies that resonated with those visions.

Fast forward a few years, and here’s what we uncovered. We carefully measured their investment progress. And guess what? Their returns were better than what they had achieved with their old, random, scattered portfolios. But that’s not all. They were also more connected to their investments—not just for making money, but for witnessing these purpose-aligned companies impact the world. It was a win-win. Their investments flourished, and they saw their money making a real difference.

The takeaway? Purpose-driven investing isn’t just some buzzword. It’s a path that can lead to financial success and a profound sense of fulfillment. It’s like finding the missing piece that completes the puzzle. And I’m here to tell you, it’s a journey worth embarking upon.

3. When Purpose and Investments Intertwine, a New You Emerges

Just like an artist who dedicates endless hours to infusing his passion and purpose into a block of stone, something extraordinary happens. Over time, that very stone transforms into a masterpiece, a creation that’s alive with the artist’s vision. But here’s the remarkable part—it’s not just the sculpture that’s changing. The artist, too, is evolving through this intricate process.

It’s like a beautiful dance, a give-and-take. The artist breathes life into the sculpture, and in return, the sculpture molds and shapes the artist. This delicate connection is a kind of magic. They both change and grow and in the end, they emerge anew, transformed by their partnership. It’s a reminder that in the world of investments and purpose, a similar enchantment takes place—where you and your investments blend and create something extraordinary that changes you from the inside out.

Among all the investments you could ever make, the most precious, the one that brings the most fulfillment, is in your business. But here’s the secret—it comes second to an even more valuable investment: investing in yourself.

Think about it. Discovering your life purpose is like striking gold. And when you live that purpose through your business, that’s when the real adventure begins. Now, here’s a thought: instead of spreading your focus thin with various investments, imagine if you poured 100% of your time and resources into your purpose. Guess what happens, then? The universe kicks into high gear, aligning its energy with yours in a powerful dance that propels you forward. It’s like having the universe as your ally, backing you up with all its might. So, take that leap, invest in yourself, and let the universe be your partner on this incredible journey.

The lighting company

Let me share a story that’s bound to resonate with you – A client I worked with had an 11-year-old commercial lighting business. Sounds pretty ordinary, right? But he had a deep longing for something more spiritual. He contemplated selling his business to chase after this calling.

But here’s where the magic happened. In those crucial first 90 days, we embarked on a journey to uncover his purpose. We wanted to truly understand how his current business could align with his inner desires before he made any decisions. And guess what we found? His purpose illuminated before us: “Standing in the light.”

Rather than saying goodbye to his business, he breathed new life into it. He transformed it into something extraordinary—a company that lets you design your own lighting setups for both home and business, all online. And that’s not even the best part. Once you’re happy with your design, a simple click sets everything in motion. A kit containing all the parts you need arrives at your doorstep. It’s like magic.

And you know what? This shift wasn’t just about business but a transformation aligning with his purpose. It tapped into his deep passion for crafting perfect lighting setups. These setups weren’t just about aesthetics; they were about supporting well-being, enhancing beauty, and adding functionality to the most sacred spaces in people’s lives.

The result? He was ignited like never before. His business was no longer mundane—it was a canvas for his creativity and purpose. And in a blink, he transformed into a new version of himself. The kind that’s brimming with passion, that’s unstoppable, that’s engaged in a creation that speaks to his soul. It’s a reminder that something extraordinary happens when your business aligns with your purpose—you step into a whole new light.

The Door Manufacturer

Let me share another inspiring tale. This entrepreneur was worn out after nearly two decades of running his door manufacturing company. If you looked into his eyes, you’d find no spark when he talked about his business. It seemed like the light had faded.

But here’s where the story takes a turn. As we delved into his purpose and passions, we circled back to his early days when he started the company. Back then, his true love was designing doors, simple as that. Everything else had piled up as his business grew into the biggest in the state.

Here’s the beautiful part: It didn’t take much to rekindle that original passion for designing doors. You see, doors aren’t just about wood and hinges; they’re gateways to new beginnings. With that realization, he made a daring move. He sold his business to a larger national company, but with one special condition—he’d be the sole designer for all their doors.

And guess what? This change wasn’t just about shifting businesses. It was about reigniting a fire within. He poured his purpose-driven passion into designing doors that symbolized new beginnings that marked the start of journeys into new possibilities in people’s lives.

And just like that, his impact multiplied. He aligned his work with his true passion and purpose, transforming him from the inside out. He literally designed a new door for his life. It’s a testament to the power of purpose-driven choices and how they transform us.

The Investment Circle

Let’s dive into something I’ve observed. As I’ve worked closely with both of these groups, I’ve stumbled upon an interesting trend. When investors meet with potential companies to invest in, they often give the most weight to crunching the financial numbers. While this seems like the logical thing to do, something crucial is getting overlooked—the performance of the leadership team beyond those numbers.

Now, here’s where my heart comes into play. With over two decades of leadership development, I’ve come to understand that the real success of a company hinges on its leadership team. It’s like the beating heart of the business. Yet, their response surprised me when I brought up this point with investors. They admitted that their focus was on transactions. If even one out of ten investments struck gold, they considered it a win. Evaluating leadership performance? Well, that wasn’t really on their radar. To them, it was just about the cold, hard numbers.

But as I walked alongside these leadership teams, I noticed something else. The CEO—often the key player—was like a cat asked to guard the milk. Why? Because there was no real accountability for how that investment money was used. There was also no alignment with a clear purpose. All that mattered was the bottom line. But here’s the kicker: By the time that bottom line becomes clear, it’s often too late to change direction.

What I saw was a mismatch—a lack of alignment. Investors were in it for the transactions, and the companies being invested in were like pieces in a chess game, lacking connection, meaning, or purpose. It was like trading stocks in the dark, not really knowing who’s who.

But within this reality, a shining opportunity emerged. And that’s where we come in. We offer Investor’s and entrepreneurs’ retreats to find purpose, align with it, and go all in. Our secret is to only work with selected, conscious investors and purpose-driven companies. We align on purpose and craft something lasting, meaningful, and impactful.

So, if you’re an entrepreneur driven by a deeper purpose or an investor with a conscious mindset, here’s a thought: Consider embracing a clear purpose that aligns everyone involved. You might just uncover a world of possibilities and witness a higher success rate in your ventures than you ever thought possible. It’s about weaving purpose into the fabric of your investments, creating a richer, more vibrant, and far more impactful tapestry.


As an entrepreneur or an investor, here are 3 secrets to purpose-driven investments. Your investments hold a clue to your very purpose in life, and that purpose of yours? It has the incredible power to make your investments flourish. And here’s the real magic: As your purpose and investments entwine, they’ll weave a beautiful transformation within you.

These three secrets can help you live your purpose, find contentment and joy, and embark on a worthwhile journey. Now the ball is in your court, what actions will you take toward creating your purpose-driven company and investments?




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