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3 Steps to Free Yourself from Scarcity

This is a topic that touches our professional lives and inner journeys – freeing ourselves from the grip of scarcity. In the realm of the 3D matrix of consciousness, scarcity is an all-too-familiar experience. It’s a place where fear reigns. However, as we transition to the elevated consciousness of the 5D matrix, fear dissipates, leaving only love in its wake.

But how do we transition from scarcity to a world of limitless possibilities, abundance, and love?

To embark on this transformation, let’s start by dissecting the specifics of the fear of not having enough.

Identifying the Source

This fear is rooted in the inner voice known as “Not Having Enough” (NHE) and is a global fear linked to financial decisions. That nagging doubt creeps in when you’re about to make financial investments. Interestingly, the NHE grows louder the larger the investment, regardless of its nature.

Imagine this: You’re out at a bar and casually spend $120 on drinks and food without a second thought. However, when you contemplate investing the same amount in a massage, the NHE might try to dissuade you. It becomes even louder when you consider investing a substantial amount in coaching, a course, or a retreat. So, how do you navigate this inner dialogue and make informed choices?

Understanding the Fear’s Origin

Like most fears, the fear of not having enough is born from the stories the NHE creates in your mind. Succumbing to this fear leads to a life marked by scarcity. When you entertain this fear by listening to it, it thrives and holds you hostage, preventing you from moving forward with financial commitments or causing you to back out of previous ones. It’s vital to ask yourself: What story is the NHE weaving to terrify me about making an investment?

For instance, let’s say your business income has dipped in recent months. The NHE may paint a bleak picture, warning you that you might end up homeless or lose your business if you don’t earn more money. That fear feels real, doesn’t it? If you hear yourself saying, “But it’s true,” then you’re hooked.

The NHE is cunning. It can twist things around, offering justifications to validate the fear. It might accuse you of irresponsibility or of ignoring the “reality” of your situation. These tactics prevent you from progressing and perpetuate your belief in scarcity. Over time, the NHE becomes adept at sowing fear until you yield to a life defined by scarcity. You normalize it, convincing yourself you “can’t afford it.”

Three Fundamental Truths About Scarcity

1. Fearful Stories are False: The stories you believe in and feed will continue to grow indefinitely but are not rooted in truth. There are infinite other possibilities that might be hidden from your view.

2. Fears are Intentions: Fears are energetic thoughts that serve as intentions. If you fear not having enough, you essentially intend to live in scarcity. Remember, you possess the power to manifest your intentions, even unknowingly.

3. Fears are Illusions: Fears are illusions regardless of how real they seem. They reside solely within the stories concocted by the NHE. In reality, they don’t exist. There’s only what exists in the tangible world, devoid of stories.

How do you liberate yourself from the clutches of scarcity?

It’s a journey marked by three simple steps

1. Acknowledge the Fear: First, become aware of your immersion in scarcity and the stories woven by the NHE to sustain it. Speak out loud the story of fear created.

2. Confront the Fear: Initiate a conversation with your NHE. Educate the NHE aspect of yourself that fear holds no validity. Remind it that boundless possibilities await, even if they aren’t immediately apparent. Think of speaking to a 5-year-old who is scared. Love them and offer them other positive options.

3. Foster Conditions for Freedom: Create an environment where the NHE feels safe and relinquishes its grip on you. For example, create an emergency fund, create other sources of income, etc.

I received an invitation to join a prestigious self-development retreat, but unfortunately, I didn’t have the necessary funds. Despite the financial constraint, I felt an undeniable inner calling to participate. However, my NHE was persistent, cautioning me against committing to something beyond my immediate financial means. While this advice seemed logical to the NHE, it didn’t align with the desires of my heart.

Choosing to follow my heart, I decided to register for the retreat and inquired if I could arrange a payment plan to ease the financial burden. To my surprise, they agreed to my request, allowing me to attend the retreat. What happened next left me astonished. While at the retreat, I unexpectedly received an income I did not expect that was for the exact amount of the retreat.

This experience deeply moved me and served as a profound reminder of the incredible support that comes when we choose to follow our heart’s guidance. It was a testament to the power of trusting our inner calling, even when it seems to defy conventional wisdom. I defeated the NHE!

Have you ever had an experience like this?

What conditions encourage the NHE to relinquish control?

1. Align with Soul Purpose: Financial commitments should align with your soul’s purpose. Ask yourself, “Is this investment aligned with my soul’s purpose?” If not, it’s likely not the right choice.

2. Trust: Trust that life presents ever-changing external and financial conditions. Internally, trust becomes a simple choice if you align with your soul’s purpose. Trust your soul to provide the means for a life in harmony with your purpose. The universe will orchestrate the rest; you needn’t worry.

3. Assess Financial Commitments: Take a close look at your current financial obligations that contribute to the influence of the NHE. Scrutinize each one to determine if it resonates with your soul’s purpose. Have the courage to release those financial commitments that lack alignment with your true purpose and firmly commit to those that do.

I received an invitation for a three-week journey to South Africa, a trip that came with a substantial price tag. My NHE, the ever-cautious inner voice, shouted, warning me, “You simply can’t afford this right now.” However, it resonated as a perfect fit when I sought guidance from my inner alignment with my Soul.

Despite the internal struggle and financial concerns, I ultimately chose to trust my inner guidance and embarked on the journey. Alongside this, I closely looked at my financial commitments and let go of those that no longer served my well-being. It felt like I had exhausted all options to make this happen.

The result? I met people who invited me to stay with them, significantly cutting the trip’s expense. This journey was a life-transforming experience, opening new doors of development and growth in my personal and professional life. Looking back, it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It reminded me of the immense value of trusting our inner guidance, even when external circumstances suggest otherwise. Once again, I defeated the NHE.

strategies the NHE employs to control you

1. External Negotiation: The NHE will urge you to negotiate with the outer world—delaying payment, overthinking, reducing its significance, or any tactic that fuels its fear. You’re under the NHE’s influence if your mind entertains these strategies. Stop it in its tracks!

2. Questioning Soul Purpose: The NHE might convince you that an investment doesn’t align with your soul’s purpose. This subtle manipulation sows doubt and confusion. But your heart knows the truth.

3. Irresponsibility Accusations: It might accuse you of irresponsibly spending money you don’t have. Ironically, following your truth and soul guidance is the most responsible course, but the NHE can twist this to its advantage.

4. Presenting False Reality: The NHE may assert that this is “reality” and that you lack the money. In truth, this “reality” is a construct of the NHE’s stories. You have the power to create your reality, one filled with abundance.

5. Delaying Inner Work: If you find yourself negotiating your self-development work, you’re stalling your evolution. Your self-development cannot wait. It’s an essential aspect of your journey, and allowing fears and doubts to control it only hinders your progress.

In our leadership development work, We’ve witnessed clients who love our programs but sometimes need help with scarcity, hesitating to invest in their growth. We confront the inner world and the unfounded fears, addressing the NHE aspect.

The result? Clarity, action, and liberation from the NHE’s grip. One client, for instance, was initially reluctant to make payments for our program due to fears of not having enough. Following the steps outlined earlier, the client realized the program aligned perfectly with her soul’s purpose. She chose to trust her decision and took action to eliminate other financial commitments that no longer served her purpose. This included shifting responsibility to a financially able adult child.

In conclusion, breaking free from the illusions and constraints of scarcity is a lifelong journey. The more you feed the NHE’s fear, the stronger its hold on your life becomes. Conversely, the less you feed it, the weaker its grip becomes.

Three crucial questions to ask

1. Does the investment align with my soul’s purpose?

2. Can I eliminate financial commitments that no longer align with my soul’s purpose?

3. Can I trust that my soul and the universe will support me in living in alignment with my purpose?

The choice to step out of the shadows of scarcity is yours. Embrace it, and you’ll discover a world brimming with abundance, love, and contentment.




We exist to help balance inner-world leadership consciousness with outer-world competencies to better navigate and thrive in today’s complex, rapidly changing, and uncertain environment.