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3 simple Steps to Follow Your Heart: A Journey to Business Success

Have you ever noticed how the most successful leaders infuse their hearts into their business decisions? If you’re interested in having your heart guide your business moves, then you’re in the right place. I’m going to share three simple steps and practical usages inspired by the world of 5D consciousness that can revolutionize your decision-making process. These steps will help you effortlessly integrate your heart’s wisdom into your daily choices with remarkable accuracy.

Step 1: What Lights Up Your Heart?

Let’s begin by acknowledging that your heart reacts to everything around you – people, places, energy, and more.

How your heart reacts falls into three main categories:

  1. Lit Up: Your heart expands, making you feel joy, excited, curious, and magnetized.
  2. Aversion: Your heart contracts, making you feel uncomfortable, disconnected, and repelled.
  3. Indifference: Your heart feels neither attraction nor aversion.

Allow these reactions to guide you.

For example, allow your heart to lead the next time you’re at a networking event. Think of it as your very own built-in GPS for socializing. When you walk into the room, shut your eyes, and say, “Activate Heart Navigation System (HNS).” As you stroll by people, notice how your heart feels and stop where your heart feels that spark. Engage with those individuals. When that spark dims, move on to someone new whose light brightens your heart. Forget about trying to please everyone or fearing you’ll miss out. Trust your heart.

Follow what lights up your heart.

Truth lights up your heart.

Truth has this incredible power to light up your heart. Can you recall a moment when someone told you a profound truth about yourself, and suddenly, your heart glowed like the North Star?

I remember a retreat where my business partner said, “Your coaching is transformative because you channel your clients’ truth.” I brushed it off, saying it was easy for me. But my partner added, “Not everyone is willing to do the daily work needed to operate in 5D, at a profoundly impactful high frequency to see the hidden truth you can see.” That’s when my heart lit up like a beacon.

So, the next time you’re in a conversation, pay attention to those moments when you hear a “truth” that resonates with your heart. In the presence of spoken truth, everything else fades away as your heart radiates with its brilliant light.

Inspiration lights up your heart.

I’ve always admired leaders who can spontaneously deliver heartfelt speeches on any topic. It’s like witnessing pure magic. While some leaders meticulously plan their speeches to sound spontaneous, others genuinely speak from the heart.

I had my moment at a conference for young entrepreneurs. We were asked to give impromptu talks on any subject. When I volunteered to speak about the power of intuition, my heart lit up. The room quickly filled with eager minds, and because it was so packed, even more people tuned in online. It taught me a crucial lesson: when inspiration sparks in your heart, follow it before your mind starts negotiating with fears.

So, when was the last time inspiration set your heart ablaze? I encourage you to seek it out if it’s been a while. Operating on a pilot light alone can make entrepreneurship challenging and close the door to new opportunities. A heart on fire is a magnetic one.

Step 2: Time Travel into the Future

Now, let’s talk about how your heart can guide you about the future of your business.

Imagine Your Future Options

In the world of business, decisions about the future are crucial. While your mind often relies on past experiences to make these decisions, creating a past-derived future, your heart can transcend time and space. It’s like your very own time machine.

This is how you can make it work. Every decision involves imagining different scenarios and their outcomes. For instance, imagine you’re pondering whether to diversify your services or focus on one core offering. We did just that and felt what lit up our hearts. Focusing on our unique value proposition sparked our enthusiasm, while diversifying, although tempting, didn’t quite do the trick.

Decisions are rarely simple yes or no choices. They’re multi-layered and require careful consideration. When you follow the path that resonates with your heart, you’ll find yourself on an exciting journey full of welcomed surprises.

You can apply this method to any decision related to team performance, business growth, leadership, or adapting to changing markets.

Testing Your Options with Time Travel

Picture this: You create avatars representing different choices you’re considering. Each avatar lives in a parallel universe with a specific decision. Take time to follow their lives as they unfold with their preferred choice. It’s not as challenging as it sounds; you will be able to imagine their journey.

Your task is to observe these avatars and feel what lights up their hearts.

You can also invite your entire team to the game and witness what ignites their collective passion. You don’t have to play this game for a year into the future; venture far enough to determine if you’re on the right path. If it feels right, keep going.

When I decided to part ways with my tech company in search of my next chapter in life, I was adrift without a clear path ahead. I harbored various ideas I wanted to explore, but none resonated as “the one.” At that point, I contemplated unconventional roles like becoming a pilot or a massage therapist, seeking respite from the demanding CEO life that had left me burnt out. I embarked on these journeys, testing the waters to see if any could ignite a passionate fire within me. Each was an avatar I experimented with to see which would appeal to my heart.

I ventured into aviation, taking people on flights in my airplane. I dabbled in massage therapy at a tranquil resort, attempting to find solace in the art of healing touch. I even briefly explored the realm of financial advising, if only to envision a potential future in that field and gauge whether it stirred a profound sense of purpose within me.

While I was having fun playing the different avatars, entrepreneurs seeking guidance for their ventures began gravitating toward me. Drawing upon my years of successful business experience, I found immense joy in assisting them on their journeys. It was a seamless and fulfilling process, yet I never considered making it a full-time endeavor.

To my astonishment, I unintentionally built a thriving business coaching practice within two years. Within five years, I attracted Fortune 100 leaders who helped me blossom into a seven-figure business.

What did this unexpected journey teach me? Simply put, when you heed the call of your heart, navigating through life’s diverse opportunities, you no longer need to wrestle with inner conflicts. Instead, you find remarkable clarity in your decision-making process, effortlessly aligning with your true purpose and passion.

Connecting with Your Future Self

Here’s a mind-boggling concept: You can talk to your future self. It’s like having a conversation with your inner child. It’s an imagined dialogue that can feel incredibly real.

As I pondered a potential real estate investment opportunity for one of my financial advisor clients, I found myself immersed in a marathon of information sessions lasting over four hours. The subject was an enticing $80 million investment, touted as a secure and lucrative proposition that our financial advisor could present to their top-tier clients. The promise of impressive returns swayed my logical mind.

Yet, a curious twist occurred when I consulted my future self for guidance. I expected vivid insights into the investment’s prospects, but instead, I saw nothing. My future self showed me zero money left with this investment.

Initially, I considered the possibility that I was failing to establish a connection with my future self. However, a persistent future-self voice assured me that our connection was intact. Still, no money was left when I gazed ahead one year, nine months, six months, and even three months into the future.

I struggled to articulate my Future Self, warning against the investment’s viability, leaving my counsel to reject it. Ultimately, my opinion was dismissed. Two months later, the grim truth unraveled: the seemingly promising venture turned out to be a fraudulent scheme, resulting in a staggering loss of $80 million.

For those unfamiliar with conversing with one’s future self, it may initially appear eccentric, unreliable, or even entirely fabricated. However, mastering this skill demands patience and practice, eventually bestowing a trustworthiness that surprises even the most skeptical. Remarkably, our student entrepreneurs engaged in the 5D journey tend to grasp this concept sooner than one might anticipate.

Step 3: Aligned Decisions = Lit Up Heart

The best decisions are those that align with your heart’s wisdom. If you reflect on your past successes, you’ll likely discover that alignment played a pivotal role.

Consider this: Have you ever been in the right place at the right time, making an aligned choice that led to success? On the flip side, have you ever made a decision that felt forced despite your inner misgivings? I sure have.

I once took a stand for a team member without consulting my heart or future self. It resulted in cutting ties with a long-term client, causing financial strain. Later, I realized that the team member wasn’t the right fit for our company, and our services weren’t aligned with our core business. The signs were there all along, but I had ignored them.

Aligned decisions often unfold effortlessly. It starkly contrasts the belief that good things require hard work. In the world of 5D consciousness, alignment is easy, simple, and undeniably true.

Aligned decisions are easy.

Making aligned decisions can be surprisingly effortless. It’s funny how we’re often conditioned to believe that good things only come from hard work. You’ve probably heard the saying, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” I used to buy into that idea in everyday reality (let’s call it 3D). However, my journey into the world of 5D has taught me to trust in something much simpler and truer: the feeling of alignment.

Let me share a little story with you. I was on a business trip, traveling to meet some engineers working with our customer, a Fortune 100 company manufacturing in Mexico. It was getting dark, and my colleague and I found ourselves lost, searching for a place to have dinner before checking into our hotel. We ended up parking in front of what looked like an industrial warehouse in a somewhat intimidating neighborhood. But when I noticed people coming out of that place, my curiosity got the best of me. To our amazement, that seemingly ordinary building was a high-end restaurant.

As we settled into our seats, we noticed the leadership team of our US customer sitting nearby. They invited us to join them, expressing astonishment at our presence because they had spent an hour trying to find this hidden gem, having heard great things about the food. To our even greater surprise, they shared a new project with us that wasn’t common knowledge and asked for our help drafting the Statement of Work (SOW).

Here’s the kicker – the engineer I had brought along happened to be an expert in that exact field. As it turned out, we were the perfect fit for the project, and we eventually secured the contract with ease. What were the odds of all these incredible details falling into place? It felt like we were in the right place at the right time, and landing that contract was the easiest part.

Aligned decisions often involve a series of events, some hidden from plain sight, that leave you no doubt that they were meant to be. The more you operate in the high frequencies of 5D, the more you recognize the synchronicities and serendipities surrounding you.

Now, you might be wondering how to create such alignment experiences. The secret isn’t in trying to manufacture them; it’s about recognizing that they’re already out there, waiting for you to notice.

Remember, it’s not about hard work; it’s about embracing the 5D easy way.

Embrace the Magic

Creating aligned experiences isn’t about working hard but recognizing the magic already woven into your life. If you’ve made it this far, you’re on a surprising journey of self-discovery.

We started with three simple steps to follow your heart: What lights it up, time travel into the future, and finding alignment. You already possess the knowledge to use these steps. Your heart knows when it’s lit, you can envision future scenarios, and you can sense when things align magically. Now, all that is left for you is to trust, act, and be grateful for the 5D transformation that guides you to the right time and place for life’s magical moments. You might be surprised to find yourself at the right place and time more often than you can imagine, maybe even all the time.

If you’re curious to delve deeper into the world of 5D consciousness, share your thoughts and prepare to be pleasantly surprised by what else aligns in your life. Your heart knows the way and is ready to lead you on an extraordinary journey to success.




We exist to help balance inner-world leadership consciousness with outer-world competencies to better navigate and thrive in today’s complex, rapidly changing, and uncertain environment.